What You Need to Know About Advecta with Regards to Flea Treatment
Advecta flea treatment is a broad spectrum tick protection for cats and is proven to kill nearly 100 percent of fleas on your cat within less than two days of application. It completely breaks the life cycle of fleas destroying future infestations.
Why you should choose Advecta for cats as your preferred flea treatment for your cats.
Advecta is powerful enough to kill parasites yet mild enough to be safe for your cat.
This flea medicine eliminates any flea your cat has and will also continue killing the eggs the fleas might have laid for up to thirty days. It is therefore recommended by vets to give your cat this medicine at least once a month. Get the Advecta flea med for dogs here!
Advecta is also effective since it also kills the flea eggs which further prevent new fleas from developing.
This flea medicine also includes tick control, which keeps everybody in the family safe since they are known to carry Lyme disease.
How to use Advecta
Advecta medicine for dogs is very easy to use and is usually packed with a syringe so that it is easy to measure the dosage you should give to your dog depending on its size. Ensure you read and follow the instructions found on the pack so that you can be able to treat the flea infestation on your pet effectively. If you want to read more about flea medicine, check out http://www.ehow.com/way_5590037_soon-dog-after-flea-treatment.html.
Advecta can also effectively control the fleas in your cats by applying it as a single spot directly on the cat's skin between the shoulder blades. This product guarantees fast acting, long lasting and waterproof solution to obliterate the fleas affecting your cat and can also be used on kittens that are over two months old. Advecta flea treatment for cats is available in a packaging of six doses with a single dose for every month up to six months. It is recommended that you consult with your vet before using it on pregnant cats. Advecta is highly flammable and is recommended to keep it in a cool, dry place and away from children. Precautions must be taken because it could irritate the cat's skin and also human's. Last but not least, this product should be used safely so that you can get the best results out of treating your cats of the flea infestation they currently have, click here to get started!
One should be careful especially when doing spot application of this product since it might be harmful to the person applying it. If your pet cat does not respond well to the Advecta flea treatment, make sure you visit the vet without delay.